About us

360° Surveying was founded in Adelaide in 2016 after seeing the growing need to provide a truly client-focused surveying service to both residential and commercial customers alike.

We soon put our extensive surveying and project management experience to work offering end-to-end surveying solutions to clients. We pride ourselves on our high level of responsiveness and communication to achieve surveying outcomes.

Whether your project is big or small, we will work with you to understand your project goals, define your surveying requirements, and deliver an outcome within the timeframe you need. We want to enable you to achieve your broader project goals, while keeping you in the loop along the way!

What we're all about

At 360° Surveying we love working with our clients and understand that not everyone speaks the 'surveying lingo'. We pride ourselves on being practical, adaptable and believe that becoming your surveying partner will achieve the greatest results.

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    We are practical

    We believe in really understanding your needs by asking the right questions to understand what you are trying to achieve, and then delivering a service and product which is explained in language you will understand. We will work hard to ensure you are provided with a quality solution, and that your surveying needs and outcomes are reached.

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    We are adaptable

    We look at every project with a fresh set of eyes and tailor a solution for you. We continue to invest in new technology and enjoy looking for opportunities to innovate and simplify our processes. We do this with our clients in mind to enable a smoother and faster process to achieve your surveying requirements.

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    We are your partner

    We know the surveying component of your project is just one part of the many balls you may be juggling, but it is an important part. We are here to make your life easy and work with you to achieve your surveying outcomes with integrity, enthusiasm and commitment.

  • Meet the team

  • Tom JeffreyCo-owner and Licensed Surveyor
  • Ben NicholsSurveyor
  • Carolina ForeroDrafter / Surveyor
  • Damian HenkelAssistant Surveyor / Drafter
  • Sarah JeffreyCo-owner and Residential Manager

We're here to answer your questions

If you have any questions about our services, we'd be happy to help. Use the form below or ring us to get in touch. Please include details relevant to your enquiry, for example, site address, surveying requirements, etc.

    • Email

    • Phone

      (08) 8440 2412

    • Office

      6 Todd Street
      Port Adelaide SA 5015

360° Surveying

Land Development Made Easy